Viewer Commands

Read up on all viewer commands available in my Twitch chat here!


Text commands

!age - Displays Kori's (totally real) age
!clip [title] - Creates a clip and posts it to Discord
!coolbeefact - Cool fact about bees
!fewtales - Hades Fresh File start copypasta
!freshfile - Displays Hades Fresh File challenge ruleset
!lurk - Let Kori know you'll be lurking - basically just a way to say "I'm watching to support but can't engage right now".
!mother - Add +1 to the "how many times Kori has banged chat's mom" counter.
!nextad - Display how many minutes are left until the next scheduled ad break.
!no - Remind chat that backseating and spoilers are not welcome.
!pinned - Display the currently pinned chat message
!pp - Plus Program info / display what the PP counter is for
!quote - Display a quote (more info below)
!raid - Display the default raid message
!trap - Add +1 to the "how many obvious traps has Kori walked into" counter.
!vanish - Delete your own messages in chat

Link commands

!backlog - Links to a Google sheet with games Kori has or will play. This includes previously redeemed games via Streamloots.
!commands - Links to this page
!cover - Links to Kori's most recent song cover
!discord - Links the community's Discord
!donate - Links the donation website
!event - Links current or most recent event info
!freepack - Links the coupon for claiming this month's free Streamloots pack
!merch - Links to the merch store
!patreon - Links to Kori's Patreon page
!playlist - Links to Kori's stream music playlist
!refs - Links to all Kori related art references
!socials - Links to Kori's link hub
!streamloots - Links to Kori's Streamloots page
!throne - Links to Kori's Throne page
!toes - Links to a cursed video about toes
!twitter - Links to Kori's X (formerly Twitter) page
!vods - Links to Kori's Twitch VOD archives
!yt - Links to Kori's main YouTube channel
!ytstream - Links to the YouTube mirror of the current stream (if available)

Please note that most of the text and link commands are only available while I am live.

Quote list

You can use "!quote" to display either a random quote or a specific one by using "!quote [number]". Here is the current list of quotes (last updated April 13th 2024):

  1. "I'm going to beat this guy's balls."
  2. "I'm going to turn into the joker."
  3. "I'm not in de-NYA-il!!" (When asked about being a cat maid)
  4. "Get out of your poopy baby jail corner!!!"
  5. "Maybe I'll draw you sucking on a huge cock, would you like that? Will that make you shut the fuck up?"
  6. "King Boo railed them all."
  7. "So basically I'd pour roughly a shot's worth of whiskey into a normal glass.... and top it off with whiskey"
  9. "ringtoe, my favorite member of the feetles" - FizzyFuzz17
  10. "Stop with the family fucking"
  11. "I'll give genocide another try."
  12. "Literally murders a robot and then giggles and calls it cute when they scream in pain" - TheGovernment36
  13. "I thought it might be fun to do something I don't like."
  14. "subs overrated, bits outdated.... PACKS ACTIVATED" - Wanjeon
  15. "I can outrun his dick"
  16. "you know what they say, one man's cringe is another man's based" - TailsPr
  17. "I hate all of you, and I hate my mods especially"
  18. "I didn't steal it, I borrowed it forcefully"
  19. "I only have fun when I don't see them as human beings"
  20. "Just because I don't suck dick on stream doesn't mean I'm seiso"
  21. "Jerma is my oshi"
  22. "I love it when they explode in blood and gore."
  23. "I had a stream idea and I need people to die"
  24. "Get your gasses out before we go raid"
  25. "I gained consciousness, and immediately started trying to clog the toilets"
  26. "Not everyone is a morning pooper, but everyone is a morning pisser."
  27. "I think rabies is good."
  28. "I am teaching by bad example"
  29. "You can either agree with me, or die"
  30. "I feel no pride in this accomplishment. I feel nothing good having accomplished this. I am just glad it's over."
  31. "Why did I ask, I don't care!"
  32. "get her drunk enough lads" - SNESFlint
  33. "Life is like a box of Caesar salad: You'll never know what chicken you'll be dressing"
  34. "I like it when they cut off the skin"
  35. "I've already met my cringe quota and we haven't even mentioned Sephiroth yet."
  36. "I want my sperm bank heist, they can't keep it away from me forever!"
  37. "Can I turn off her face?"
  38. "That is a very harmless comment, but I choose to take offence for comedic effect."
  39. "Something about his voice triggers a fight-or-flight response in me." - Kori on Matpat
  40. "Khiren, you are the based to my red pill"
  41. "When do I get to kill the kids? Is it this episode?"
  42. "I'm sorry if you're over 40."

Thank you IsaacAtThis for helping me compile this list!